There are a number of proposals that the DataSHIELD Governance Theme wishes to present for discussion and voting upon. Brief descriptions/links to more detail and the possible voting options are presented at the bottom of this post.
There is a 1 week discussion period which runs until 23:59 CEST on Tuesday 17th September, 2024. There then follows a one week voting period, which will run until 12:00 (midday) CEST on Wednesday 25th September 2024. Results will then be announced in the DataSHIELD Community session at the conference on Wednesday afternoon, and will subsequently be posted to the forum.
Discussion should take place on the forum. During the discussion period, it is possible to amend the proposal options (other than the ‘default’ option) or to introduce additional options.
For each proposal, there are currently TWO options: an option to accept the proposal, and a ‘default’ option (which means that the status quo remains). The options are presented in random order. NB it is possible that alternative options might also be proposed during the discussion period, hence the available options (and order) might change.
Proposals for discussion
Proposal 1 - Update constitution
- Background: The Constitution has received some minor updates. These are primarily to replace the name “[Community Project]” with “DataSHIELD”, to correct some typos and grammatical errors, to update the section about the DataSHIELD Advisory Board, and to reduce the suggested minimal frequency of Theme meetings to once every 4 (from 3) months.
OPTION 0: accept the revised constitution listed under ‘Drafts’ at Constitution | DataSHIELD Community Wiki as proposed by the DataSHIELD Governance Theme
OPTION 1: default option
Proposal 2 - Accept accessory document: Social Contract
OPTION 0: default option
OPTION 1: accept the Social Contract described at Social Contract | DataSHIELD Community Wiki as proposed by the DataSHIELD Governance Theme
Proposal 3 - Accept accessory document: Diversity and Participation Statement
OPTION 0: default option
OPTION 1: accept the Diversity and Participation Statement proposed by the DataSHIELD Governance Theme and described at Diversity and Participation Statement | DataSHIELD Community Wiki
Proposal 4 - Accept accessory document: Code of Conduct
OPTION 0: accept the Code of Conduct proposed by the DataSHIELD Governance Theme and described at Code of Conduct | DataSHIELD Community Wiki
OPTION 1: default option
Proposal 5 - accept policy document: DataSHIELD risk response procedure
OPTION 0: default option
OPTION 1: accept the policy document Risk Response Procedure proposed by the DataSHIELD Governance Theme and described at Risk Response Process | DataSHIELD Community Wiki