Recommended way of installing DataSHIELD

Dear all,

I came across various ways of installing DataSHIELD and wonder what the recommend is for newcomers:

  1. Barebone: installing each component separately helping to understand how all components work together
  2. Separate Docker images
  3. The complete CORAL docker swarm
  4. Other …?

Any advice?


Hi Wilmar,

Personally I have been transitioning from “Barebones” (automated by puppet) to docker compose based deployments (both Opal and Armadillo), also I am also experimenting with a CORAL deployment. Given I am mostly interesting in quality assurance I feel I need to cover both “Barebones” and “Docker” based deployments.

If a full deployment of all the Obiba (Opal, Mica, Agate, +) tools is your aim, then CORAL appears to be a good choice [my investigation is stalled due to a deployment issue].

Also it would be worth checking it Docker based deployment is supported by your IT department. We had to persuade our IT department to make some changes to their infrastructure to cope with Docker.


Also there is Armadillo, but the documentation is under development.

For just getting to understand how DataSHIELD works I would recommend the Docker approach described here:

Agreed with Stuart, Coral is nice for a full stack deployment, including studies and dataset documentation. A simple docker approach is enough for Datashield and is straightforward (that is how opal-demo has been deployed daily, for years).

Hi, I installed DataShield on and followed the instructions for the docker image installation [1] until: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

What next?

  1. How can I login to OPAL/Webamin, start Rock, set Rock URL?
  2. Add ROCK on to default R Cluster on

Thanks, Wilmar

[1] Installation — Opal documentation

The docker-compose up command starts all the declared services (i.e. opal, rock and database(s)). You do not need to start Rock specifically, you do not need to access Rock (because opal does it in the docker’s internal network). Again, you should not link a R server to several opal servers. There is no benefit to this and it can be confusing in terms of resource management.

1 Like

Dear Yannick,

got it, if OPAL and ROCK are installed on the same server, ROCK is automatically registered and this ROCK installation should NOT be registered with other OPAL servers to avoid inconsistencies.

On, after opening the ports 8843 and 8880 I can now login using OPAL on

Login via shows “Authentication failed” when entering default credentials (as in docker yml) presumably because of a block of “Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)”

Thanks for your support,



I am trying to login to the opal server with:

Method 1:

con.opal <-·opal.login(username·=·“administrator”,·password·=·“password”, url·=·“”)

R console Error: Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) :
Failed to connect to port 443: Connection refused

Method 2:

con.opal·<-·opal.login(username·=·“administrator”,·password·=·“password”, url·=·“”)

R console Error: curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) :
SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate

How do I login to an OPAL server running in Docker from an R analysis server (here on the same server, but not in Docker)?

Best, Wilmar

See recommended reverse proxy configuration (example is apache but it could also be nginx). If your institution does not provide a certificate, you can get one from Let’s encrypt.



I have installed and configured an nginx server with certbot to be able to use https now. I manually added the reverse proxy: location / {

Error in R

However, R gives me this error: con.opal ← opal.login(username = “administrator”, password = “password”, url = “”)

Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) :
> Received HTTP/0.9 when not allowed

Error with curl

However, curl gives me the same strange “Received HTTP/0.9 when not allowed” error.

root@fedsrv2:/var/www/html# curl --verbose -I

  • Trying…
  • Connected to ( port 443 (#0)
  • ALPN, offering h2
  • ALPN, offering http/1.1
  • successfully set certificate verify locations:
  • CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
  • CApath: /etc/ssl/certs
  • TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
  • TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
  • TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Encrypted Extensions (8):
  • TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Certificate (11):
  • TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, CERT verify (15):
  • TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
  • TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS change cipher, Change cipher spec (1):
  • TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
  • SSL connection using TLSv1.3 / TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
  • ALPN, server accepted to use http/1.1
  • Server certificate:
  • subject:
  • start date: Aug 19 13:44:54 2022 GMT
  • expire date: Nov 17 13:44:53 2022 GMT
  • subjectAltName: host “” matched cert’s “
  • issuer: C=US; O=Let’s Encrypt; CN=R3
  • SSL certificate verify ok.

User-Agent: curl/7.74.0
Accept: /

  • TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Newsession Ticket (4):

  • TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Newsession Ticket (4):

  • old SSL session ID is stale, removing

  • Received HTTP/0.9 when not allowed

  • Closing connection 0

  • TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS alert, close notify (256):
    curl: (1) Received HTTP/0.9 when not allowed

The NGINX config file is updated as follows: default %>% certbot %>% added reverse proxy manually


How do I connect with curl and/or R/opalr to OPAL?

Best, Wilmar

nginx does not set the Host header by default (like Apache does). To avoid a CSRF check issue, you must specify it as follows:

location / {
    proxy_set_header Host $host;

Also, I think the proxied opal url is wrong as I suspect the port 8843 to be the one of the https entry point. Just use 8880 (or whatever you set in docker) to access via http.

Dear Yannick,

thanks! Seems to work now.

I have added to my NGINX default conf (see port mapping of docker image):

   location / {                                                                                                                                                                                               
           proxy_set_header Host $host;                                                                                                                                                                       

CURL log:

/sudo:root@fedsrv2:/etc/nginx/sites-available/ #$ curl --verbose -I >

  • Trying…

  • Connected to ( port 443 (#0)

  • ALPN, offering h2

  • ALPN, offering http/1.1

  • successfully set certificate verify locations:

  • CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

  • CApath: /etc/ssl/certs

  • TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):

  • TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Server hello (2):

  • TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Encrypted Extensions (8):

  • TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Certificate (11):

  • TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, CERT verify (15):

  • TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Finished (20):

  • TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS change cipher, Change cipher spec (1):

  • TLSv1.3 (OUT), TLS handshake, Finished (20):

  • SSL connection using TLSv1.3 / TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384

  • ALPN, server accepted to use http/1.1

  • Server certificate:

  • subject:

  • start date: Aug 19 13:44:54 2022 GMT

  • expire date: Nov 17 13:44:53 2022 GMT

  • subjectAltName: host “” matched cert’s “

  • issuer: C=US; O=Let’s Encrypt; CN=R3

  • SSL certificate verify ok.
    HEAD / HTTP/1.1
    User-Agent: curl/7.74.0
    Accept: /

  • TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Newsession Ticket (4):

  • TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Newsession Ticket (4):

  • old SSL session ID is stale, removing

  • Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
    < HTTP/1.1 302 Found
    HTTP/1.1 302 Found
    < Server: nginx/1.18.0
    Server: nginx/1.18.0
    < Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2022 08:20:12 GMT
    Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2022 08:20:12 GMT
    < Content-Length: 0
    Content-Length: 0
    < Connection: keep-alive
    Connection: keep-alive
    < Location:

R script (works!):

con.opal ← opal.login(username = “###”, password = “###”,
url = “”)

Thank you so much, Wilmar