How to check IP of the access on server side?

Dear all,

On the server side, we were implementing a function, which can check the IP of the access and return a specific number if the IP was expected? For example, it the IP is the also the server IP, then return the data, otherwise return NULL.

Does one know how to implement in datashield?

Regards, Hank


There is no such information in the DataSHIELD R server session context. And also, it is usually difficult to get the real client IP (there may be proxies in between), then it is not a reliable information.

But maybe you could elaborate why you would like to bypass the DataSHIELD rules, there could be other solutions.

Regards Yannick

We were inplementing the multi-omic matrix facterization. Taking the picture as an example:

Matrix Y1, Y2 and Y3 were in the three servers, after calculation, the client have Z. However, in our application, the client must be the owner of one of Y1~Y3. So we hope to implement that i.e. if the client is the onwer of Y1, {W1 and Z} were returned. In the genetic downstream analysis, it is quite necessary to have both component matrices.


You could consider using DSLite for accessing the “server” you own. You would have more flexibility regarding what operation can be done on your local data, and still be in the DataSHIELD paradigm (you can mix together data nodes accessible through DSOpal and DSLite).


Hi Hank,

I was wondering how you are doing?

Can we have a chat next week or Friday. So that I can help you?

Please contact me directly through my email.

Best wishes,
