IPD Data disclosed on OBIBA demo server?

Hi, I went through datashield example on the OBIBA Demo server [1]. I saw that executing this code …

D ← opal.execute(o,‘CNSIM1’) head(D)

… returns individual patient data:

PM_BMI_CONTINUOUS GENDER 1 33.67 0 1003 25.86 0 1008 34.77 0 1012 19.97 1 1010 36.09 1 1031 27.84 0

I am confused. Wasn’t DataShield about not disclosing individual patient data?

Could you explain why this is happening?

Kr, Shiny

[1] Using R — Opal documentation


This is not Datashield. That is pure R usage to access opal and it is highly recommended to only grant administrators the right to perform such operations. Datashield uses different web services access points with extra checks.

See Using DataSHIELD - Opal documentation.


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