Hi all, I am going through the tutorial for local installation and usage of Datashield (Windows). Following help from Alex I managed to set up the two local opal servers. Thanks!
For installing the Datashield R packages I first downgraded my R version 4.0 to 3.6 just in case your R packages are not 4.0 ready yet. From a previous post I conclude that installing ‘dsModellingClient’, ‘dsGraphicsClient’, ‘dsStatsClient’ is not possible and not needed, so I ignore the installation of those three packages and only do:
install.packages('opal', repos='http://cran.obiba.org', type='source')
install.packages('dsBaseClient', repos='http://cran.obiba.org', type='source')
Continuing with the tutorial:
> data(logindata)
Warning message:
In data(logindata) : data set ‘logindata’ not found
I suppose object logindata has been removed? To work around this I downloaded the table via your link, resulting in my_login object:
server url user password table
1 study1 administrator password CNSIM.CNSIM
2 study2 administrator password CNSIM.CNSIM
> opals <- datashield.login(logins=my_login,assign=TRUE)
Logging into the collaborating servers
Error: Unauthorized (401)
The url seems correct as I am able to access the login screen via my browser. I am guessing the password is not correct, so I update the password used elsewhere in the tutorials.
my_login$password = "datashield_test&"
> opals <- datashield.login(logins=my_login,assign=TRUE)
Logging into the collaborating servers
Warning: study1 will be excluded: Error : study1: Not Found (404): {"code": 404,"status": "NoSuchValueTableInDatasource","arguments": ["CNSIM","CNSIM"]}
Warning: study2 will be excluded: Error : study2: Not Found (404): {"code": 404,"status": "NoSuchValueTableInDatasource","arguments": ["CNSIM","CNSIM"]}
Do I need to update the table names in the login object or did I go wrong in any of the preceding steps?
Thanks, Vincent