Client error: (413) Request Entity Too Large

Currently, we can only upload files smaller than 2MB to the Opal server. We adjusted the parameters and followed the instructions provided in Opal properties file, the changes did not take effect after restarting the server. Could you suggest a potential solution to this issue?

The error could be due to a proxy in-between. Check with your IT dept.


Hello @Yannick,

Thank you for your response. I’m running the DataShield Docker image on my local machine and have modified the Nginx parameter client_max_body_size to 1G. This allowed me to successfully upload a CSV file via the Opal UI, and it was correctly stored in both the project and the project table.

However, I encountered an issue when uploading files in other formats. The Docker environment crashes during these uploads.

Additionally, while attempting to upload a file to a project table via opalr, the file successfully uploads to the project folder, but I observe an error during the unsuccessful table upload process. The Docker logs display the following error: org.obiba.opal.web.FileResource.uploadFile(java.lang.String,, javax.servlet throws, org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadException)