Administering profiles from command line

Is there any documentation around how to add/enable etc profiles from the opal API? Not using R and the opalr package (I don’t want to have to install R just for this).

I guess I can use the opal rest commands, but I am guessing what they are e.g.

opal rest /datashield/profiles

how could I find out the rest?

I am not sure if this helps, but the “The Opal Documentation”, in sections 16 and 17, contains description of how the drive the Opal API from Python.


I think that is the same docs as online at OBiBa Opal Documentation — Opal documentation which I’ve been using to set up projects etc in opal using the API, but there doesn’t seem to be anything on managing profiles.

I guess I could go look at the opalr package and see what it is actually calling.


The Opal Python package does not expose an API for managing R/Datashield profiles, but it would be easy to add one. What do you need exactly? (what’s in the “etc”?)

Do you need a command line entry point or you want to write your own Python script?


I am a little hazy on profiles - I am only just getting back into deployments and profiles are a still a bit new to me.

I am auto spinning up Opal instances in k8s and grabbing the datashield/rock-base:latest image at deployment time. When I do this from a zero start it seems I need to (at least) go to the opal web interface and click on “Initialize” - I’d like to be able to do this from the command line. I run a set of opal command line stuff via a bash script once the opal deployment has finished, so running it in here would be ideal.

I haven’t really moved out of the base images with profiles yet, so there might be some important profile related steps that I am missing at this stage!

Am I right in thinking there is a “main pod” which runs a Opal container plus one or more database containers. Also dynamically deployed “profile pods” which are ‘rock’ containers preinstalled with the required packages?
