I’m trying to recode a variable but get a strange message - about “serversideMessage(s)”.
R> ds.recodeValues(
+ var.name = "intention_num_antenat",
+ values2replace.vector = c(0,1,2,3),
+ new.values.vector = c(0,1,1,1),
+ newobj = "intention_bin_antenat",
+ datasources = working
+ )
Aggregated (recodeValuesDS1("intention_num_antenat", "0,1,2,3", "0,1,1,1")) [==========] 100% / 2s
Assigned expr. (intention_bin_antenat <- recodeValuesDS2("intention_num_antenat", "0,1,2,3", "0...
Aggregated (testObjExistsDS("intention_bin_antenat")) [================================] 100% / 1s
Aggregated (messageDS("intention_bin_antenat")) [======================================] 100% / 1s
[1] "A data object <intention_bin_antenat> has been created in all specified data sources"
[1] "<intention_bin_antenat> invalid in at least one source. See studyside.messages:"
[1] "NOT ALL OK: there are studysideMessage(s) on this datasource"
[1] "NOT ALL OK: there are studysideMessage(s) on this datasource"
Any suggestions about how to debug in greater detail? I have recoded a different variable (from 3 to 2 levels) with no problem. I’ve spent time with several other people, including who have access server (study) side - but nothing is reported there either.