Making R3.6.3 minimum version of R supported

We are considering making R version 3.6.3 be the minimum version of R which is supported by DataSHIELD v6.0

What are peoples thoughts about this?



R version 4.0.0 is due on 2020-04-24. So I think that requiring the latest 3.x version is reasonable.

Best Yannick

We are considering making R version 3.6.3 be the minimum version of R which is supported by DataSHIELD v6.0

What are peoples thoughts about this?

I’m using Debian stable:

sessionInfo() R version 3.5.2 (2018-12-20) Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit) Running under: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)

I think maintaining backwards compatability with 3.5 would be good (and, in general, backwards compatability is good anyway).

Best wishes,


BTW @swheater, what requires to have the latest R version?


I asked the question after Juan said he had to upgrade from R3.6.2 to R3.6.3 to get R6 working. But R6 does not seem to need R3.6.3. Still investigating…


We also run our Analysis clients on Debian like @asm. It would be nice if compatibility with version 3.5 would be maintained. Also a general + 1 in favor of backwards compatibility.

We will endeavor to maintain R3.5.0 support with for DataSHIELD, and I haven’t found any explicit requirement of anything beyond R3.5.0 yet.
