Hi, I’m having some issues using the ds.limma function. Specifically, when following :
my output is :
"Command 'limmaDS2(rse, res, 2L, NULL, 2, NULL, FALSE, \"none\")' failed on 'study1':
Error while evaluating 'dsOmics::limmaDS2(rse, res, 2L, NULL, 2, NULL, FALSE, \"none\")' ->
Error in dsOmics::limmaDS2(rse, res, 2L, NULL, 2, NULL, FALSE, \"none\") : \n object 'Set.counts' not found\n"
- I locally downloaded the dataset used in the guide above
- I downloaded the code of the ds.limma function (client side) and limmaDS function (server side) available on dsOmics/R at master · isglobal-brge/dsOmics · GitHub and combined them together to run locally on the downloaded dataset.
Running locally produces the expected output (the analysis is correctly executed).
What seems to be the problem is the connection between the two functions when operating in client-server mode, specifically this piece of code when calling limmaDS
Set <- eval(parse(text=Set), envir = parent.frame())