Draft proposal for the response procedure to potential disclosure issues

A draft document describing the proposed process which should be initiate if a potential disclosure issue is reported. Comments and feedback welcome as further posts on this thread.

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Thanks for developing this page Stuart.

Iā€™m bouncing this topic back up to highlight this page and ask other members of the community to please review the document and add your comments/thoughts underneath. We would like to get feedback from as many people as possible so that we can develop a proper response procedure to potential disclosure (and other security) issues within the DataSHIELD ecosystem.

A small working group will respond to comments and incorporate suggestions into the text as they see fit.

We will then organise a meeting so that everyone can come and discuss the draft proposal. This meeting is anticipated to be in June.

The final agreed document will be presented at the Conference in September for ratification by the whole community.

The draft document has move from the operations theme to the governance theme, Risk Response Process | DataSHIELD Community Wiki
