while running the example code for ds.merge from your documentation, I encounter the following error:
datashield.errors() $study1 [1] “Command ‘mergeDS("df.x", "df.y", "D$LAB_TSC", "D$LAB_TSC", TRUE, TRUE, \n TRUE, ".x,.y", TRUE, NULL)’ failed on ‘study1’: Error while evaluating ‘is.null(base::assign(‘df.merge’, value={dsBase::mergeDS("df.x", "df.y", "D$LAB_TSC", "D$LAB_TSC", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, ".x,.y", TRUE, NULL)}))’ → Error in fix.by(by.x, x) : ‘by’ must specify a uniquely valid column\n”
$study2 …
$study3 …
I tried applying ds.merge on my own test data but I end up with the same error. The tables and variables to be joined seem to be correctly defined, so I am having trouble understanding the source of the problem.
My code (very similar to your example):
builder <- DSI::newDSLoginBuilder()
builder$append(server = "study1",
url = "https://opal-demo.obiba.org",
user = "administrator", password = "password",
table = "TEST.patient", driver = "OpalDriver")
logindata <- builder$build()
connections <- DSI::datashield.login(logins = logindata, assign = TRUE, symbol = "patient")
ds.dataFrame(x = c("patient$patient_id", "patient$country"),
completeCases = TRUE,
newobj = "df.x",
datasources = connections)
ds.dataFrame(x = c("patient$patient_id", "patient$age"),
completeCases = TRUE,
newobj = "df.y",
datasources = connections)
# Merge data frames using the common variable "patient_id"
ds.merge(x.name = "df.x",
y.name = "df.y",
by.x.names = "patient$patient_id",
by.y.names = "patient$patient_id",
all.x = TRUE,
all.y = TRUE,
sort = TRUE,
suffixes = c(".x", ".y"),
no.dups = TRUE,
newobj = "df.merge",
datasources = connections)
Can you verify that the example code from the documentation works?
Thank you.