Planned DataSHIELD v6.1 release


we are starting to put together the v6.1 release of DataSHIELD, the current planned release notes are below. We are keen to hear any comments and feed-back.


DataSHIELD Release Notes v6.1

Focus of Release

The major focuses of the v6.1 release of DataSHIELD, is adding new analytical functions.

Changes from DataSHIELD v6.0.1 to v6.1

New Analytical Functions

The following functions have been added to the suite of analytical functions provided by DataSHIELD.

  • ds.glmPredict: causes the application of predict.glm to a server-side glm object
  • ds.glmSummary: causes the summarization of a server-side glm object
  • ds.kurtosis: calculates the kurtosis of a numeric variable with three different mathematical formulas
  • ds.skewness: calculates the skewness of a numeric variable with three different mathematical formulas
  • ds.getWGSR: computes the WHO Growth Reference z-scores of anthropometric data
  • ds.abs: computes the absolute values of an input numeric or integer variable
  • ds.sqrt: computes the square root values of an input numeric or integer variable

Changed Functions

The following functions have been modified in this release of DataSHIELD.

  • ds.dataFrameSubset: contains additional argument checking
  • ds.glmSLMA: improved documents plus …
  • ds.cbind: simplified, some arguments have been removed
  • ds.scatterPlot: the logical argument “return.coords” (default to FALSE) added, to allow users select if the coordinates of the anonymised data points should be returned back to the Console. If the user selects to get the coordinates on the console, he/she can then use any of the native R graphical libraries (e.g. ggplot, etc.) to generate other visualisations on the client-side.

Client-side Testing Infrastructure

Added support for running test which require ds.dangerClient functions as part of the Continuous Integration tests.

Additional tests, and general test improvements are included in this release.

Server-side Testing Infrastructure

Added test suite to directly tests of the server functions. These tests have also been integrated with Continuous Integration.

Generate of test coverage reports from server test suite.

Supported Versions

DataSHIELD v6.1 is supported on R3.5, R3.6 and R 4.0, and would be expected to work with intermediate versions. At present the DataSHIELD client-side package is known to work on Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04 and Windows 10. DataSHIELD server-side package is known to work when deployed to Opal 3.0.3 running on Ubuntu 16.04.

Code Availability (not yet available)

As ever, you can see the code at a variety of places:, and