Hi All,
I am currently trying to connect to Opal using personal access tokens in DataSHIELD.
It seems that the function does not work as described in the wiki: http://opaldoc.obiba.org/en/latest/web-user-guide/my-profile.html#my-profile
Trying to login to my opal (without DataSHIELD) I get the following error message:
Error in opal.login(token = “ktNaW6bDehjXZuRmR0EQlJxweCFyUX”, url = “https://opal-url:443”) : unused argument (token = “ktNaW6bDehjXZuRmR0EQlJxweCFyUX”)
Further i am not sure how to use the token in the datashield.login function, as the documentation does not show how a token can be used: https://cran.datashield.org/web/opal/datashield.login.html